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What's inside the Book?

An excellent handbook to guide those who are on the cusp of retirement.

About the Handbook

Retirement Decisions

A landmark book written for individuals on the cusp of retirement to help you make informed decisions. Lucidity is the hallmark of this book. It takes you step by step from clearly defining the nature of the retirement income challenge to the different retirement income generation methods to conquer it.

Over 200 figures help you visualize important concepts. You’ll understand the best retirement income decisions for you. And you’ll know why you’re making those decisions, so you’re comfortable with them.

Chapter 7


Deaths by Age for 1,000 60-Year-Old Females Basis: 2012 IAM Basic Table with Projection Scale G2 Females Reaching Age 60 in 2025
Deaths by Age for 1,000 60-Year-Old Females Basis: 2012 IAM Basic Table with Projection Scale G2 Females Reaching Age 60 in 2025

Retirement income must sustain you for the whole of life, however long that may be. But the reality is that the length of your future lifetime is unknown. And the distribution of your potential future lifetime is not concentrated around a single value; rather, it is enormously wide. The graph reveals that a 60-year-old might need income for 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years. The future lifetime distribution is so spread out that for a group of 60-year-olds the probability that any particular original member dies in any given year—and therefore requires income for exactly that many years—is less than 5%!

Faced with this much uncertainty about how long you require income, what can you do? Fortunately, solutions to mitigate this situation exist. Indeed, solutions to totally remedy this situation—one that every baby boomer faces—exist. These solutions don’t merely speak to the challenge of uncertain longevity. They fully solve this risk, reducing the probability of outliving income to zero. All these solutions—those that mitigate and those that totally conquer longevity risk—are described in this excellent handbook for you.

Some retirement income generation approaches are vastly more efficient than others. You’ll learn how to generate significantly higher monthly income from the same starting point. Seemingly unbelievably—until you understand why—such higher-income approaches also provide greater protection against outliving your wealth. This book will change your life in a positive, valuable way!

The Author

Jeffrey K. Dellinger

Jeffrey K. Dellinger, a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, is President of Longevity Risk Management Corporation®. A business executive, actuary, mathematician, author, speaker, inventor, expert witness, and consultant, Mr. Dellinger is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Indiana University, holding Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Mathematics. Mr. Dellinger is the inventor of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (GLWB) and Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB) for variable annuities, fixed annuities, and mutual funds. These are widely used nationwide and revolutionized the annuity industry, being described as the most important annuity innovation of the last twenty years. GLWB assets alone total hundreds of billions of dollars. Mr. Dellinger is also the inventor of contingent deferred annuities. In addition to being “father of the GLWB,” Mr. Dellinger has been awarded numerous other retirement income patents.

See what others say about the book!

- Jon Boscia, Former Chairman and CEO, Lincoln Financial Group

A brilliant, clearly articulated picture of what retirement income must accomplish and well-illustrated ways individuals can accomplish these objectives. Don’t make any retirement income decisions without reading this valuable book first!

- Briggs Matsko, Founder, Retirement Security Centers

Highly readable, genuinely insightful, and supported by quantitative evidence. After decades of creating retirement income products for insurance companies, the author jumps across the table to analyze for you, the consumer, the various forms of retirement income. No matter how long the whole of your life will be, this book will ensure your life savings get you through. A treasure!

This book is readable by everyone. For scholars, it has appendices full of quantitative evidence and mathematical proofs.

- Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics, Boston University and author of Money Magic

This entertaining, thought-provoking book helps make your savings last a lifetime. You'll come away more confident that you have the optimal retirement income arrangement. An intelligent, insightful masterwork on individual retirement security solutions.

Handbook of Retirement Income Cover